Step By Step Basic Procedure In 3D Printing

by Albert T.

In recent years, 3D printing has slowly but successfully crept into the manufacturing industry. The addition of 3D printing to the manufacturing process has made a tremendous impact on product quality.

Top brands like JGMaker and others have impacted production teams around the world. They have made the quality of products become almost nothing to worry about.

3D printing has grown to become the most popular method of prototyping used by manufacturing companies today. There is no doubt that it has led to more quality production.

Before making the actual design with the required material, the production team and experts related to the field will come together, evaluate each design, then proceed to create a 3D prototype.

The 3D prototype brings the object to life. It helps the experts and production team to better evaluate the design in a closer context than they originally had on a big screen

This new evaluation is for quality assurance as well as for testing purposes. This is quickly done before the other manufacturing process can continue.

There may be many different types of printing processes related to 3D printing. However, there are just a few basic steps that all these different types of 3D printing must follow.

The Basic Steps of All 3D Printings Processes

1. Design Model

Each manufacturing company has to carry out a design model before they can continue the production process. This is the first step to building any object.

The purpose of modeling is to create a representation to aid defining. It allows the production team to analyze the model and communicate the concept of the design.

Models called system models are developed specifically for the validation of the system. They are made to support the design specification, analysis, and verification of the system.

This explains why the models have to be developed before the printing occurs. The manufacturing company must develop a design model for every product they wish to build.

The development of a design model is usually done using special software known as CAD or a computer-aided design package. This computer software is known around the world to be perfect for the job.

When the team is done creating a design model, the developed model is saved as an additive manufacturing file (AMF). It is also sometimes stored as stereolithography (STL).

2. 3D Printing

This step involves printing the already developed 3D model. this can only be done when the team has confirmed that there are no errors in the AMF or STL file.

The experts now upload the design model to a 3D printer. The 3D printer will make use of the file instructions according to the file type that was used to save the design model.

The instructions in the file are used by the 3D printer to determine how the material will be arranged. Though thermoplastic is usually used to create 3D models, some other material can be used.

3. Finishing

The finishing stages refer to the final touches given to the 3D model. this might involve removing some support used in the printing or just making some surfaces smoother.


Millions of products go through this process and are carried out by millions of companies around the world. These basic steps have led to a better quality of products around the world.

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