Buying the very best of equipment from is one way of ensuring you get a high-quality product manufacturing. Nonetheless, the liquidity of material, mold design, and gate positions are some of the main components that affect the quality produced. The injection mould machine uses the capillary rheometer to measure the viscosity index. When it’s off base, adjustment is needed to ensure that the liquidity of the material is at the desired level. To do this, you have to consider factors which can affect the material produced through the injection mould process. Such factors include;
- Injection Mould Resin Temperature
Low resin temperatures directly cause the material used to clamp up as some particles will still be in solid form. As expected, the solids cause defects as they inhibit the proper mold to be formed. As the material produced will lack uniformity, this will cause weak joints to be created where the solids will settle. As a result, the products manufactured by the injection molding process will be of a substandard grade hence the low quality.
- Injection Mould Injection Pressure
To effectively mold a product to the desired design, the injection molding machine uses pressure to push the liquid through the gates to an empty mold cavity. However, this is only possible if sufficient melted material is pushed through the gate. When products aren’t holding shape countercheck and adjust the pressure used to push the liquid.
- Injection Mould Temperature
Low temperature lowers does affect the liquid material used in the injection mould. Often, this results in injection moulding defects as the machine gets clogged up due to drying out. To rectify such, use the integrated thermometer to ensure that the injection mould liquid flows smoothly through the gates hence forming high-quality products.

- Injection Mould Cavity Thickness
Various types of injection moulding machine exist to cater for different design products. The cavity is reduced to increase pressure in the creation of some products. However, excessive restriction of liquid leads to restricted flow into the injection mould cavity. Care should be taken to ensure that the thickness and the overall diameter complements the overall design.
- Material Used In The Injection Mould
Finally, if you are having an issue with the liquidity and the overall injection molding process steps, consider the type of material used. As various products have varying material density, each materials is expected to be different. When there is a lag that is affecting product quality, consider changing the type of material used.
- Conclusion
As seen above, purchasing high-quality machinery is the start point to ensure you produce high-quality materials. However, constant comparison of the liquidity from batch to batch to ensure the viscosity produced meets desired specifications is imperative. By evaluating and analyzing the material used in the injection mould machine, you are in a better position to find out and fix any issues that arise and hence deliver high-quality consumer products.